[LLDB] アセンブリ言語の行にBreakpointを設定する

[M1 Mac, Big Sur 11.6.8, clang 13.0.0, NO IDE]



GDBが仕様及び酷いバグでIntel Macでもまともに使えない状態になっていますが、LLDBのこの程度の不具合ならかわいいものです。

ちなみにGDB導入についてはIntel MacにMacPortsでインストール、ggdbファイルにコード署名、SIP(System Integrity Protection)を–without debugオプションで限定的に解除しても、結局バグに阻まれました。なおApple Siliconには今のところビルド済みファイルは提供されていません。




bin $ lldb test
(lldb) target create "test"
Current executable set to /test' (arm64).
(lldb) disass -n main
test[0x100003e48] <+0>:   sub    sp, sp, #0x60             ; =0x60 
test[0x100003e4c] <+4>:   stp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x50]
test[0x100003e50] <+8>:   mov    w8, #0x0
test[0x100003e54] <+12>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x2c]
test[0x100003e58] <+16>:  str    wzr, [sp, #0x4c]
test[0x100003e5c] <+20>:  mov    w8, #0x3e8
test[0x100003e60] <+24>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x48]
test[0x100003e64] <+28>:  adrp   x8, 0
test[0x100003e68] <+32>:  add    x8, x8, #0xf50            ; =0xf50 
test[0x100003e6c] <+36>:  ldr    w9, [x8]
test[0x100003e70] <+40>:  add    x10, sp, #0x40            ; =0x40 
test[0x100003e74] <+44>:  str    x10, [sp, #0x10]
test[0x100003e78] <+48>:  str    w9, [sp, #0x40]
test[0x100003e7c] <+52>:  ldrh   w8, [x8, #0x4]
test[0x100003e80] <+56>:  strh   w8, [sp, #0x44]
test[0x100003e84] <+60>:  add    x8, sp, #0x38             ; =0x38 
test[0x100003e88] <+64>:  str    x8, [sp, #0x18]
test[0x100003e8c] <+68>:  mov    x8, #0x797a
test[0x100003e90] <+72>:  movk   x8, #0x78, lsl #16
test[0x100003e94] <+76>:  str    x8, [sp, #0x38]
test[0x100003e98] <+80>:  add    x8, sp, #0x30             ; =0x30 
test[0x100003e9c] <+84>:  str    x8, [sp, #0x20]
test[0x100003ea0] <+88>:  adrp   x8, 0
test[0x100003ea4] <+92>:  add    x8, x8, #0xf56            ; =0xf56 
test[0x100003ea8] <+96>:  str    x8, [sp, #0x30]
test[0x100003eac] <+100>: ldr    w9, [sp, #0x48]
test[0x100003eb0] <+104>: mov    x8, x9
test[0x100003eb4] <+108>: adrp   x0, 0
test[0x100003eb8] <+112>: add    x0, x0, #0xf5a            ; =0xf5a 
test[0x100003ebc] <+116>: mov    x9, sp
test[0x100003ec0] <+120>: str    x8, [x9]
test[0x100003ec4] <+124>: bl     0x100003f20               ; symbol stub for: printf
test[0x100003ec8] <+128>: ldr    x8, [sp, #0x10]
test[0x100003ecc] <+132>: adrp   x0, 0
test[0x100003ed0] <+136>: add    x0, x0, #0xf61            ; =0xf61 
test[0x100003ed4] <+140>: mov    x9, sp
test[0x100003ed8] <+144>: str    x8, [x9]
test[0x100003edc] <+148>: bl     0x100003f20               ; symbol stub for: printf
test[0x100003ee0] <+152>: ldr    x8, [sp, #0x18]
test[0x100003ee4] <+156>: adrp   x0, 0
test[0x100003ee8] <+160>: add    x0, x0, #0xf68            ; =0xf68 
test[0x100003eec] <+164>: mov    x9, sp
test[0x100003ef0] <+168>: str    x8, [x9]
test[0x100003ef4] <+172>: bl     0x100003f20               ; symbol stub for: printf
test[0x100003ef8] <+176>: ldr    x8, [sp, #0x20]
test[0x100003efc] <+180>: adrp   x0, 0
test[0x100003f00] <+184>: add    x0, x0, #0xf73            ; =0xf73 
test[0x100003f04] <+188>: mov    x9, sp
test[0x100003f08] <+192>: str    x8, [x9]
test[0x100003f0c] <+196>: bl     0x100003f20               ; symbol stub for: printf
test[0x100003f10] <+200>: ldr    w0, [sp, #0x2c]
test[0x100003f14] <+204>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x50]
test[0x100003f18] <+208>: add    sp, sp, #0x60             ; =0x60 
test[0x100003f1c] <+212>: ret    
(lldb) run
Process 21720 launched: '/test' (arm64)
i: 1000
c: abcde
c_ptr: zyx
c_ptr2: V?
Process 21720 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000) 
(lldb) disass -n main
0x100003e48 <+0>:   sub    sp, sp, #0x60             ; =0x60 
0x100003e4c <+4>:   stp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x50]
0x100003e50 <+8>:   mov    w8, #0x0
0x100003e54 <+12>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x2c]
0x100003e58 <+16>:  str    wzr, [sp, #0x4c]
0x100003e5c <+20>:  mov    w8, #0x3e8
0x100003e60 <+24>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x48]
0x100003e64 <+28>:  adrp   x8, 0
0x100003e68 <+32>:  add    x8, x8, #0xf50            ; =0xf50 
0x100003e6c <+36>:  ldr    w9, [x8]
0x100003e70 <+40>:  add    x10, sp, #0x40            ; =0x40 
0x100003e74 <+44>:  str    x10, [sp, #0x10]
0x100003e78 <+48>:  str    w9, [sp, #0x40]
0x100003e7c <+52>:  ldrh   w8, [x8, #0x4]
0x100003e80 <+56>:  strh   w8, [sp, #0x44]
0x100003e84 <+60>:  add    x8, sp, #0x38             ; =0x38 
0x100003e88 <+64>:  str    x8, [sp, #0x18]
0x100003e8c <+68>:  mov    x8, #0x797a
0x100003e90 <+72>:  movk   x8, #0x78, lsl #16
0x100003e94 <+76>:  str    x8, [sp, #0x38]
0x100003e98 <+80>:  add    x8, sp, #0x30             ; =0x30 
0x100003e9c <+84>:  str    x8, [sp, #0x20]
0x100003ea0 <+88>:  adrp   x8, 0
0x100003ea4 <+92>:  add    x8, x8, #0xf56            ; =0xf56 
0x100003ea8 <+96>:  str    x8, [sp, #0x30]
0x100003eac <+100>: ldr    w9, [sp, #0x48]
0x100003eb0 <+104>: mov    x8, x9
0x100003eb4 <+108>: adrp   x0, 0
0x100003eb8 <+112>: add    x0, x0, #0xf5a            ; =0xf5a 
0x100003ebc <+116>: mov    x9, sp
0x100003ec0 <+120>: str    x8, [x9]
0x100003ec4 <+124>: bl     0x100003f20               ; symbol stub for: printf
0x100003ec8 <+128>: ldr    x8, [sp, #0x10]
0x100003ecc <+132>: adrp   x0, 0
0x100003ed0 <+136>: add    x0, x0, #0xf61            ; =0xf61 
0x100003ed4 <+140>: mov    x9, sp
0x100003ed8 <+144>: str    x8, [x9]
0x100003edc <+148>: bl     0x100003f20               ; symbol stub for: printf
0x100003ee0 <+152>: ldr    x8, [sp, #0x18]
0x100003ee4 <+156>: adrp   x0, 0
0x100003ee8 <+160>: add    x0, x0, #0xf68            ; =0xf68 
0x100003eec <+164>: mov    x9, sp
0x100003ef0 <+168>: str    x8, [x9]
0x100003ef4 <+172>: bl     0x100003f20               ; symbol stub for: printf
0x100003ef8 <+176>: ldr    x8, [sp, #0x20]
0x100003efc <+180>: adrp   x0, 0
0x100003f00 <+184>: add    x0, x0, #0xf73            ; =0xf73 
0x100003f04 <+188>: mov    x9, sp
0x100003f08 <+192>: str    x8, [x9]
0x100003f0c <+196>: bl     0x100003f20               ; symbol stub for: printf
0x100003f10 <+200>: ldr    w0, [sp, #0x2c]
0x100003f14 <+204>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x50]
0x100003f18 <+208>: add    sp, sp, #0x60             ; =0x60 
0x100003f1c <+212>: ret    
(lldb) b 0x100003e48
Breakpoint 1: where = test`main at test.c:3, address = 0x0000000100003e48
(lldb) b 0x100003e4c
Breakpoint 2: where = test`main + 4 at test.c:3, address = 0x0000000100003e4c
(lldb) b 0x100003e50
Breakpoint 3: where = test`main + 8 at test.c:3, address = 0x0000000100003e50
(lldb) r
Process 22004 launched: '/test' (arm64)
Process 22004 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
    frame #0: 0x0000000100003e48 test`main at test.c:3
   1   	#include <stdio.h>
-> 3   	int main() {
   4   	    int i = 1000;
   5   	    char c[6] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'};
   6   	    char* c_ptr = 'xyz';
   7   	    char* c_ptr2 = "stu";
Target 0: (test) stopped.
(lldb) next
Process 22004 stopped
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1
    frame #0: 0x0000000100003e4c test`main at test.c:3
   1   	#include <stdio.h>
-> 3   	int main() {
   4   	    int i = 1000;
   5   	    char c[6] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'};
   6   	    char* c_ptr = 'xyz';
   7   	    char* c_ptr2 = "stu";
Target 0: (test) stopped.